My Heavy Metal Detox Journey

A month before the breast cancer diagnosis, I experienced a headache unlike any I had ever experienced. I was driving with son Zephyr on our way to a weekend camping trip and I had to pull over the car, my head hurt so bad. It stemmed from the left side of my brain, behind my left eye. We pulled over and once I realized it wouldn’t subside any time soon I continued driving. Upon arriving at our destination I had to stay in the car for about an hour until it subsided. Fast forward about a month later, I had three of these headaches in one week. They were completely excruciating and one even made me vomit.  I shared this news with my family and they urged me to go to Urgent Care. The doctor I saw had no idea why I was having the headaches but he urged me to get the lump in my breast seen by an oncologist. So began my breast cancer journey but the headaches were a mystery. I decided to go to Hope4Cancer treatment Center in Tijuana, Mexico and while there for the three weeks the headaches completely subsided. I still felt neurological activity in my brain so I asked for an MRI and CT Scan while there. They detected nothing. So I got an X Ray of my neck and they determined I had degenerating cartilage caused by years of smoking. I could fix that with a supplement the doctor said (and I have!).

Upon leaving Tijuana, the headaches returned that very day. The stress of driving the 405 freeway to Los Angeles triggered it, so I saw that stress exacerbated whatever was going on in my body. A month later I had lost vision and my eye had drooped. Pretty depressing. The headaches continued on and off for months until I was back at Hope4Cancer a year later, sitting around after dinner my first night of my four day follow up trip. We were talking about heavy metals and all of a sudden, it was like a light went on for me. That’s it! Heavy metals are causing my headaches and my eye issue. I just knew it! Five years prior I had had my mercury fillings removed. Sadly, I mistakenly used a dentist that didn’t know what she was doing. I believe the mercury from that experience, plus the fact that there was mercury in the vaccines I had had as a girl up in Canada, had conglomerated to create this extreme health crisis for me. So the next morning I went back for an MRI and they detected a lesion on the optic nerve of my eye. They didn’t want to surmise what it was and wanted me to get it checked by a neurologist, which I did two months later. That meeting was a disaster and has led me to completely divorcing myself from the bizarre allopathic world that I haven’t resonated with for most of my adult life.

As soon as the lights went on for me in Tijuana, I texted my colleague Rachel Balunsat, who knew a great deal about Heavy Metal toxicity from her work as a health coach. I asked her to send me everything she could and I began to read voraciously all about heavy metals and specifically, the Medical Medium’s heavy metal detox protocol. I began it immediately upon my return from Mexico and did it 5-7 times a week for six months. Both the severity and regularity of the headaches drastically reduced from 1-3 headaches a week, to 6 headaches in as many months.

Recently I began working with a naturopath and I tested strongly for heavy metals, so my detox journey continues. When I began the Heavy Metal Detox protocol from the Medical Medium I figured it would be at least a year long journey. The Medical Medium, in his book Cleanse to Heal, outlines the many ways we take on heavy metal toxicity into our bodies; eating out of tin cans, cooking with aluminum foil and yes, cooking on toxic cookware. In the fall of 2020, in a year full of “come to Jesus” moments, I realized I had to do something about my cookware. I will share more about that in a future blog.

Here’s the smoothie that helped me:

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

1 Cup of Raw Cilantro

2 Cups of frozen Wild Blueberries

2 organic bananas

2 TBS of Atlantic Dulse

1tsp of Barley Grass Juice

1 tsp of Spirulina

1 tsp Chlorella (Recently I switched out Spirulina for Chlorella at the request of my naturopath)

1 orange or 1 cup of Orange Juice

Add 1 cup of water if not using juice

This smoothie is delicious! There’s no way I could have eaten it almost every day for six months if it wasn’t. The sweetness of the blueberries and bananas completely masks the Spirulina, cilantro and dulse. Use this link to order Chlorella, Barley Grass and Spirulina at a discount.

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