Is Your Cookware Making you Sick?

I know it’s hard to fathom. How can it be that our cookware is making us sick? Mine was. For decades. For four years I had known about clean cookware from my dear friend and colleague Rachel Balunsat who had helped me out with the Heavy Metal Detox Protocol, but it didn’t really land for me until I had been on that protocol for six months and all of a sudden it dawned on me: I was doing this daily heavy metal morning detox and continuing to cook on toxic cookware. How did I know it was toxic? It had been given to me by my sister when I moved up to Bainbridge Island and I gratefully accepted it, as I had left a lot of my pots and pans in LA with my former roommates.

What I quickly learned was that even though this gifted cookware was made in Italy and “ceramic” in the name on the box, it was non-stick and non-stick cookware is notoriously toxic. Dupont, a billion-dollar chemical company, owns the patent on non-stick cookware. Watch the film “The Devil That We Know” to learn more about Dupont. Chemicals that Dupont makes are linked to six different cancers.

Then I met Marlowe. Marlowe educated me in such a way that there was no turning back. There are no regulations on cookware in the United States so they can sell us whatever they want and it is of no consequence to its maker whether it is harmful to us or not.

Aluminum cookware made from scrap metal in countries around the world poses a serious and previously unrecognized health risk to millions of people according to a new study. The highest levels were found in cookware from Vietnam including one pot that released 2,800 times more lead than California’s Maximum Allowable Dose Level (MADL) of 0.5 micrograms per day.


So! No more aluminum for me. While we are at it, cast iron is out as well. This is going to break some hearts I know as many receive their cast iron cookware from their grandparents. It’s been connected to Leaky gut and Alzheimer’s. Glass cookware and enamel cookware has been linked to lead poisoning.

Further, I was alarmed to learn from Marlowe about how little nutrition is retained when we cook food — only 1-30%! So nutritionally, many of us are eating nutritionally “dead” food. The final piece for me, as someone who is working to dissolve tumors in my body, was when I heard about a cancer doctor in San Diego who sends all of his patients home with SaladMaster sets that Marlowe recommended. That sealed it for me. SaladMaster cookware is surgical-grade stainless steel with a Titanium core. With the nutritional system that is this cookware, up to 93% of the nutrition is retained when we cook food! That’s good news.

If you are ready to learn more from Marlowe and test your own cookware, as well as learn more about clean cookware, reach out to her here:

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